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Giovanni Verga scrittore fotografo

Giovanni Verga writer photographer
Giovanni Verga

Monza | Galleria Civica di Monza

01.10.2021 - 24.10.2021

Event information

Monza | Galleria Civica di Monza

1, Via Manfredo Camperio, Monza, Lombardia, 20900, Italy.

01.10.2021 - 24.10.2021

By Fondazione 3M e Roberto Mutti
in collaboration with Comune di Monza
opening 1 ottobre h 18
from Tuesday to Friday 15-19 sabato domenica/Saturday Sunday 10-13/15-19
free entry


Giovanni Verga scrittore fotografo [Giovanni Verga writer photographer] is an important occasion to carry out an operation on two levels. On the one hand, it is an opportunity to investigate the relationship between literature and photography, making Verga’s photographic work known to a vast and heterogeneous public. On the other hand, it is an opportunity to take a critical look at this author, who was hastily defined in his time as a photo-amateur of less than excellent value, but who, in his many atmospheric portraits and images of places, is capable of revealing an interesting worldview and even some touches of class.