Event information
Milan | Libreria Hoepli – Spazio Espositivo
5, Via Ulrico Hoepli, Milan, Lombardia, 20121, Italy.
02.10.2023 - 30.10.2023opening of the event and book signing 30 settembre h 17.30, book presentation with the author 7 ottobre h 11.30 e 17.30
Monday-Friday 10.30-19, Saturday 10-19.30 and by appointment; book a visit at: info@manuelcicchetti.com
“Reflective wandering”. This is the backbone of Cicchetti’s photographic work: the need to plan the journey with his camera down to the smallest detail; the need to return to the same places, to retake the same shots that will never be the same. Intermediate time is a research and reportage project that investigates, over a period of four years, the spaces and environment around us in search of those signs of change (left by man) that have affected and will affect space, energy, society, work, and much more. The project has also become a book.