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Milano – Chioschi sempre in fiore

Milan – Kiosks always in bloom
Lorenzo Salvatori

Milan | Spazio Omnia

16.09.2021 - 30.09.2021

Event information

Milan | Spazio Omnia

4, Piazza Luigi Vittorio Bertarelli, Milan, Lombardia, 20122, Italy.

16.09.2021 - 30.09.2021

opening 16 settembre h 18
Monday 15-19, from Tuesday to Friday 10-19, Saturday by appointment 
How to get there: M3 Missori – Tram 15, 16 – Bus 94 

In the hustle and bustle of a city like Milan, amidst the stereotypes that want it to be fast-paced, grey, with little nature, one must know where to look. Salvatori, having come to Milan, has been able to focus his gaze on those corners of the street where the pace stops, where one can find beauty, where one can think of someone else: these are the corners where there are flower kiosks. Present and open every day, all year round, these places tell stories of people, lives, flowers. They give a taste of beauty, of dreams, of exchange. Salvatori captures them through portraits that narrate lives.