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L’isolamento sociale oltre la pandemia

Social Isolation Beyond the Pandemic

Milan | Palazzo Castiglioni

04.10.2023 - 31.10.2023

Event information

Milan | Palazzo Castiglioni

47, Corso Venezia, Milan, Lombardia, 20121, Italy.

04.10.2023 - 31.10.2023

opening 4 ottobre h 18
Monday-Friday 8.30-18
How to reach us: M1 Palestro
The photographs come from two photo contests announced in recent years by Amnesty International Italia, “Cattura la luce dei diritti umani” and “Walk on Rights”. Images that made us reflect on the isolation caused by the pandemic “beyond”, to imagine its impact on people belonging to categories already experiencing other forms of social exclusion. From the homeless to the elderly, from the mentally ill to the disabled, from members of the LGBTQAI+ community to migrants, all the way down to the many women who saw their conditions worsen.