Event information
Milan | Studio Masiero
28, Via Eugenio Villoresi, Milan, Lombardia, 20146, Italy.
23.09.2021 - 22.10.2021opening 23/24/25 settembre h 17-21
from Tuesday to Friday 15-19 and by appointment
How to get there: M2 Romolo – Bus 47,74, 91
Conceptual, imaginative, technological. Romagnoli’s research focuses on the tulip, representing it through the main instrument of his poetics: the wise use of blurring and double shooting. With an attentive, disorienting and disarming gaze, Romagnoli captures the elegance, transience and sensuality of the tulip, enhancing the image through harmony and exalted beauty. Romagnoli’s photography is also by its very nature a dance with time, both immobilized and multiplied, which accompanies the necessary tempo of nature.