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Valuing Water

Valuing Water

Melegnano | Castello Mediceo

19.09.2021 - 03.10.2021

Event information

Melegnano | Castello Mediceo

1, Piazza Vittoria, Melegnano, Lombardia, 20077, Italy.

19.09.2021 - 03.10.2021

The best photos from the 2021 World Water Day Photo Contest
opening 18 September h 18
Thursday Friday 16-18.30, Saturday Sunday 10-12.30/15-18.30 Saturday and Sunday possible guided tour of the Castle for a fee
How to get there: by car A1 direzione Bologna, uscita Melegnano, SS 9 via Emilia, direzione Lodi, by train linea suburbana S1 Saronno-Lodi – capolinea M5 San Donato e bus Z415


Now in its fifth year, the World Water Day Photo Contest exhibition showcases the 35 best photographs and three best portfolios from the competition organized by the Seregno AID Lions Club. Each year, the World Water Day Photo Contest depicts different aspects of water as a fundamental human right. For this last edition, the theme was Valuing Water, to raise awareness of the merciless effects of water shortages in various parts of the world. We thus have an exhibition that becomes a social reportage with an environmental theme.