Photofestival | 16th Edition
Nature and the city. Signs of a news age.
Milan, 16th September – 31st October 2021
Photofestival, the great Milanese kermesse dedicated to photography, renews itself, presents its new website and introduces virtual reality exhibitions
Milan, 1st July 2021 – The 16th edition of Photofestival, the most important and rich Milanese exhibition of fine art photography, will be held from September 16 to October 31, 2021, in a renewed format that will be both physical and online.
The edition that opens next September, the second in the autumnal season after that of 2020, will be an opportunity for gallery owners, photographers and operators within the photography world to meet physically with fans in exhibition spaces, but at the same time will offer a new way to enjoy the displays with the launch of new digital tools.
The Organizing Committee is proud to announce that, in addition to circa 150 photographic exhibitions that will be physically on show, for the first time all the events will be available for virtual visits through a dedicated channel.
Virtual Photofestival is the new project that Photofestival has decided to offer to all its followers: thanks to the digital platform developed in collaboration with its Partner, photoSHOWallⓇ, the festival opens the doors of all the exhibitions of the 2021 schedule, virtually, to the public.
From the website, which is now online with a completely new graphical layout and with new features, it will be possible to access a virtual gallery, to admire from close up selected shots by all the authors on show.
A qualitative leap that consolidates the nature of Photofestival as a cultural event of distinction, increasingly attentive to the evolution of photographic language.
With the 16th edition, entitled Nature and the City. Signs of a new time, Photofestival proposes an important reflection on the themes of sustainability and urban regeneration. A challenge that closely concerns many cities including Milan, where the strong urban transformation currently underway cannot obscure the fact that only the protection of biodiversity- within a deep rethinking of the relationship between natural and built environment- can save our future, promoting physical and psychological wellbeing as well as social inclusion.
The cultural policy of the festival, which has always been inclusive, sees the development of its network not only through official galleries, museums and libraries, but also through the Palazzo della Fotografia of Photofestival (the historic Palazzo Castiglioni, headquarters of Confcommercio Milano) and non-institutional and transversal spaces, to expand the event’s reach. The exhibition schedule will combine the proposals of gallery owners with Photofestival’s own productions and will feature established authors, professionals and new talents.
The project will spread throughout the metropolitan area of Milan and touch the Lombard provinces of Lecco, Monza, Pavia and Varese, and as usual will include, alongside the exhibitions, a program of events such as meet-and-greets, portfolio readings, webinars and other activities dedicated to photography enthusiasts.
The awards ceremony for the competition “Bound Images” – Award for the best photographic book of the year 2021 (2nd edition), organized by Photofestival to compare the different types of publications that publishers and authors offer the public, will take place during the festival.
Finally, in line with Milan’s profile, the international nature of the program is once again reaffirmed by the bilingual Italian/English version of the catalogue, that will be distributed free of charge in all the exhibition venues and in the most significant of the city’s settings.
Promoted and organized by AIF – Italian Association of Photo & Digital Imaging, Photofestival is sponsored by the Municipality of Milan and by the Region of Lombardy, and is produced in collaboration with Confcommercio Milano and photoSHOWallⓇ. The 2021 edition of the event has the support of Banca Euromobiliare as Main Sponsor and of Gruppo Cimbali as Sponsor, as well as of AIF member companies and advertisers.
All updates will be available online at
Inaugural press conference with exhibition preview
September 15, 2021 at 11:30 am
Castiglioni Palace
Corso Venezia 47 – 20121 Milan, Italy
Mandatory accreditation at:
The press conference can be followed live on Facebook on the Photofestival page.
Press Office
Up2C PR & Communication Agency
Tel. +39 348 5150210
Press release and images downloadable .
Ph. Andrea Ferrario for Photofestival