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Artistic shots

Milan | Spazioporpora

09.09.2021 - 23.09.2021

Event information

Milan | Spazioporpora

16, Via Nicola Antonio Porpora, Milan, Lombardia, 20131, Italy.

09.09.2021 - 23.09.2021

by Rita Caracausi, Andrea Colombo, Marco Brandi
opening 10 settembre h 18 by invitation
from Monday to Friday 15.30-18.30, Saturday 10-12
How to get there: M1/M2 Loreto


Beyond the cities, at the edge of the inhabited areas, far from human traces, there are the infinite beauties of nature that the authors in the exhibition, after endless stakeouts, have photographed in order to render splendid images of flora and fauna. For Rousseau, nature was an open book, but it is as if a veil separated our gaze from that book. Nature photography succeeds in piercing that veil and puts us back in touch with that harmonious and wild beauty that we all too often forget. The authors: Alessandro Moneta, Andrea Gambogi, Andrea Turin, Carlo Alberto Conti, Davide Biagi, Federica Prisma, Gianluca Prisma, Giorgio Dalvit, Henry Gottardi, Michele Bagutti, Maurizio Tentorio, Pietro Iannetta, Riccardo Trevisani, Roberto Ciccardini, Simona Pierucci, Stefania Tais.