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Seagull Friendly 2 6 - Milano Photofestival

Seagull friendly
Giuliano Leone

Gorgonzola | Palazzo Pirola

15.10.2021 - 31.10.2021

Event information

Gorgonzola | Palazzo Pirola

1, Piazza della Repubblica, Gorgonzola, Lombardia, 20064, Italia.

15.10.2021 - 31.10.2021

opening 15 ottobre h 18
Friday 16-19, Saturday Sunday 10-12/16-19
How to get there: M2 Gorgonzola


Seagulls undergo a double narrative. On the one hand there is the evocative and poetic one given by their gracefulness and their being birds of the sea. This narrative has also benefited from literary seagulls such as the famous Jonathan Livingstone. On the other hand, there is also the more realistic narrative, whereby seagulls are gluttonous birds of prey in search of food. This reportage, which borders on nature photography, tells the story of a bizarre relationship between a man and a seagull. One day the seagull landed on the stern of the photographer’s boat. The latter was preparing lunch. From there to sharing food it was only a short step…